Directed by Elia Moutamid written by Simone Brioni
production 5e6 film (ITA) with Stony Brook University (USA)

DOCUMENTARY | 52′ | COLOR | DCP | 2023 

Maka presents Geneviéve Makaping’s life in Italy and perilous migration journey. By sharing Makaping’s experience as the first Black news editor in Italy, Maka speaks out against the media representation of immigrants and offers an evocative examination of the intersection between sexism and racism in Italy. From Moroccan-born Italian director Elia Moutamid, this riveting documentary offers a poignant exploration of displacement, identity, and belonging.



Complete list of festivals, awards, screenings and reviews 


Geneviève Makaping

written by
Simone Brioni

inspired by
Geneviève Makaping
“Traiettorie di sguardi. E se gli altri foste voi?” (Rubbettino 2022).

“Reversing the Gaze: What if the Other Were You?”
translated by Giovanna Bellesia-Contuzzi and Victoria Offredi Poletto (Rutgers University Press, 2023).

directed by
Elia Moutamid

produced by
Graziano Chiscuzzu

line Producer
Tania Gualeni 

Gianluca Ceresoli

Irene Breda

music composer
Piernicola Di Muro

Gabriele Cardullo



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